Dayton Kids Closet is doing in person give aways now!! See our Face Book public page for dates and details.

Kid’s Closet History
Dayton Kid’s Closet was started in 2004 with a small coat drive and a dream to clothe many. An idea was born during a Seed Planting meeting that our church could fill a need in our community by providing clothing to children. After our initial coat drive in the fall of 2004, we branched out and began receiving donations of clothing and set up our first give-away to the community. Our mission grew rather quickly and we had to move to a local commercial space that provided us room to function until our church basement was available for a permanent Kid’s Closet set-up. Our trustees set up permanent storage to house the many bins that are involved in this mission and clothing racks were assembled and put into permanent place in two former classrooms, which are now our “shopping rooms”. Families that have benefited from our mission have come from far and wide…we’ve had shoppers come from as close as Dayton and as far away as Clinton,
White, and Benton Counties. We have, and continue to have, many wonderful volunteers that help keep Kid’s Closet functioning…from church volunteers to shoppers who want an opportunity to give back. We continue to thrive on clothing donations from the community which is what keeps this mission in motion. God has truly blessed this active mission and all who are involved feel blessed to be acting as the hands and feet of Christ in our community.