Sunday School For Everyone!
Sunday School Officers are:
Cindy Stanford, Superintendent
Jon Grimes, Assistant Superintendent
Phyllis Grimes, Secretary-Treasurer

Hi, Kids!
Greetings from your Sunday School teachers!
Are you missing Sunday School while we are unable to meet in person? We have some free material that we are able to share. These materials are in English and Spanish, for young and old. Your parents might enjoy them, too.
Be sure to check them out here: Free Church Lessons, Bulletins and Activity Sheets for Children.
¡Hola, niños!
¡Saludos de las profesoras de
la Escuela Dominical Presbiteriana Dayton Memorial!
¿Echas de menos la escuela dominical mientras no podemos reunirnos en persona?
Tenemos material gratuito que podemos compartir.
Estos materiales están en inglés y español, para jóvenes y mayores.
Asegúrese de revisarlos aquí en
Free Church Lessons, Bulletins and Activity Sheets for Children