Save your pennies!

Memorial Presbyterian Church of Dayton, Indiana will be collecting pennies (and any other loose change or bills) all during the month of February to benefit Family Services, Inc.’s programs to “help families help the themselves.” This is a private nonprofit organization that offers counseling services, homecare services, family support, and addiction services.
Family Services, Inc. was founded in 1964 to strengthen families and individual family members of all ages and incomes in Tippecanoe and the surrounding counties. They believe that families that are strong will rear strong children and care for their elders. At the heart of Family Services, Inc.’s programs is the belief that self sufficiency is important to everyone that will enable family members to face life’s challenges with independence and dignity, resulting in a better community for all of us.
Containers to collect your spare change will be placed in the church parlor for your convenience. Please look for them before or after church.