Administrative | Audit | Fellowship | Nominating | Scholarship | Seed Planting | Stewardship
Did you know that when you pay your bills by “Bill Pay” online you can include the church or even make it an automatic payment?
The main purpose of this committee is to prepare and monitor the annual budget for Memorial Presbyterian. The committee wishes to thank the congregation for their continued support of the Memorial Presbyterian, despite tough economic times. That support maintains the operation of the Church, as well as our many generous mission programs.
Do you pay your bills through your bank account? Easy isn’t it?
We are now offering the option for you to pay your offering via your bank account.
If you would like to do this, please contact Nancy Edwards, church treasurer.
The main purpose of this committee is to prepare and monitor the annual budget for Memorial Presbyterian. The committee wishes to thank the congregation for their continued support of the Memorial Presbyterian, despite tough economic times. That support maintains the operation of the Church, as well as our many generous mission programs.
What is God asking of you? Where does God want you to invest your time, your energy, your money, your love, and your passion? What are you being called to by the Spirit of God in Christ?
The Church Audit Committee consists of three members, serving staggered, three year terms, appointed by the Session. These members should have some knowledge of auditing procedures and bookkeeping. It is their responsibility to review all financial records of the church.
Nominating and Membership
The Nominating & Membership Committee shall be responsible for all membership matters of the church. They will annually review the roll of Active Members and make recommendations to Session regarding membership.
These nominated persons are to be elected by the congregation. The congregation may nominate additional candidates for these offices if the candidates have agreed to serve, if elected.
Scholarship application
The Scholarship Committee was formed in 2000 when an anonymous and generous donor had the foresight to establish a Scholarship Fund to help young people pursue their educational goals. From that seed that was planted so long ago, others have been inspired to generously support the Scholarship Fund through personal donations provided as well as in memorial gifts in memory of past members of Dayton Memorial Church. To date more than $90,000 has been donated to the Scholarship Fund since its inception!
In order to be considered for this scholarship, a student has to meet initial qualifications of demonstrating financial need and continued qualifications including outstanding personal conduct and passing grades in all subjects studied. From the initial seed that was planted in 2000, with today’s awards, almost $87,000 has been awarded to 24 different students that have qualified to receive financial help with their college education. Obviously that seed planted long ago has sprouted and grown!
Seed Planting (evangelism)

The Evangelism Committee shall be responsible for all aspects of the evangelism program of the church and provide opportunities for strengthening congregational ties and fellowship in love.
The Seed Planting committee is focused on sharing the love of Christ with all in our community. We welcome visitors to our church with a welcome basket and a warm smile. The committee holds events to strengthen congregational ties and fellowship.
The Stewardship Committee shall be responsible for the year round Stewardship Program of the church. They plan and execute the yearly Stewardship drive, with the approval of Session.