Ways to donate:
1) Cash/Check in a pew or other envelope clearly marked Presbyterian Build on the envelope and Check. Place your gracious donation in the offering plate. Or mailed to the church at PO box 70, Dayton, IN 47941.
Phone: Tel: 765-296-3199
2) Donate directly with Habitat at their office (make sure you specify Presbyterian Build Tippecanoe County on any donation):
Habitat for Humanity
420 South First Street
Lafayette, In 47905
e-mail: info@lafayettehabitat.org
Do not send to the national address in Georgia.
3) “Buy a Stud”. If you have a few extra dollars, why not put them to good use! Our Habitat “Buy a Stud” donation box is on the information shelves in the church located in between the parlor and the double doors to the education wing. The box is shaped like a house and is made of clear plastic.