Friends of Memorial Presbyterian Church have always been very supportive of this unique ecumenical mission event that allows hundreds of families with well over one thousand children from the Greater Lafayette community to have a more joyful Christmas experience. We are gearing up for Jubilee Christmas, turning our basement into a Toy Shop, and fully anticipating yet another incredibly successful event that celebrates family and giving.
The tremendous success of this program is due to the generosity of our congregation and friends. Generous donations of time, money, toys, gifts and prayers are essential to a successful Jubilee day. Due to current economic conditions, many families find themselves seeking assistance for the first time. Your assistance is needed to ensure that Jubilee Christmas at Memorial Presbyterian Church is another great success.
Every year volunteers are needed as hosts/hostesses, shoppers, greeters, wrappers, set-up, clean up, etc. If you are available to help, a job is available for you. Someone fluent in Spanish would be helpful, but even if you aren’t “fluent,” the knowledge that you know some Spanish will be reassuring to those with limited English. If you have not volunteered for Jubilee before, ample support and instructions will be provided in all areas. The rewards are worth your time and effort. Donations of new toys for ages 0 – 12 are needed. Monetary donations are also welcome to purchase gift certificates for teenagers, food certificates, canned hams, additional food items and additional toys. If you wish to purchase toys, please contact Cindy for specific needs , or fill out the contact form, so we can get back to you.
Please be generous and timely in your giving and volunteering as we prepare for Jubilee Christmas. Please keep Jubilee Christmas, the volunteers and the guest families in your prayers. Thank you and God bless you and your loved ones during the upcoming holiday season and always!