Check out their website: Souper Bowl of Caring
To find more information about how you can help locally, click here: Food Pantry
It’s been 22+ years since the Youth of the Spring Valley Presbyterian Church in Columbia, S.C. addressed the issue of hunger in their community with this Super Bowl Sunday Prayer:
“Lord, as we enjoy the Super Bowl football game,
help us to be mindful of those without even a bowl
of soup to eat.”
This prayer inspired this single church to invite 21 other congregations to join them in collecting $5,700, which was donated to local charities that provide assistance to those in need. Over the past 20 years, more than $50 million has been raised in cash and food for organizations that fight hunger. From a simple prayer and a single youth group, the Souper Bowl of Caring has become a powerful nationwide movement that touches more lives each year.
Help us celebrate 22+ years of caring. Be part of this movement that begins in your own backyard and reaches across the nation, sharing God’s love with those who need our compassion and care/
Every dollar donated at Memorial Presbyterian Church will go to our food pantry to help people in our community.